Does God Exist? Is the Bible True? Are We in the End Times?
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These are the most important questions every single person must answer. To some, they have believed what they were taught as a child. Others have been influenced and believe what they were taught in school. Yet others have chosen to believe in science and evolution. And yet others just don't know what to believe. But regardless of what you chose to believe, or not, you should search for your own answers. If you have made a decision without sufficient study of the facts and evidence, then you are living purely by faith without considering the scientific evidence. Yes, an athiest who makes such a decision without looking at the evidence is merely living by faith.
The scientific method is to keep an open mind, and to consider ALL evidence and to change conclusions as the evidence may lead the investigator. Reason and rational thought will always lead to the truth.
Everyone shoud search the evidence and make their own decision. Never settle for believing the narritive of someone else, especially regarding such important, eternal decisions.
And just the fact that you are here, shows that you are seeking answers. You are seeking truth. You are seeking God.
And this decision is an important one. If you believe there is no God, no Creator, No Designer of the universe, what would be the consequence if you are wrong? What if there were ancient instructions, in a group of books, written words, from thousands of years ago? What if you failed to read them and understand them? What if the Bible is true? What is the purpose of life? Where will you go when you die? Is there specific prophiecies that have proven to have been true?
Hopefully you are seeking the answers to these questions. Hopefully you are aprocahing this endevor with a clear, open mind to allow the evidence speak for itself. Only then can you make your decision. I can't tell you what to believe. But I think the fact that I created this website tells you what my conclusions have come to.
You see, many years ago, I was right where you are now. Seeking the truth, without being led (or lied to) for an ulterior motive. You must seek this on your own. But hopefully this site will open your eyes to the truth. I have nothing to sell. No books, tapes or DVD's. I have no church affiliation. I am a Non-Denominational Christian. I am not affiliated with any of the sites of the links offered. I do not have any form of monitization from this website. I am not asking for money. In fact, I created over 20 years ago when I began to compile the evidence. But After a few years, I let the website expire. I had many, many articles. links and blog posts, that unfortunately, were lost into the either. This website is a resurection of that original website. With everything happening in the world today, I felt compelled to re-launch the website.
The purpose of this website is to offer empirical evidence. Can the existance of God be proven? Well, it is a difficult task indeed to find direct evidence of God . But what if we look at the evidence we do find from a scientific viewpoint? What if we can find empirical evidence of events written the the Bible from 2000, 3000 or even 4000 years ago? What type of empirical evidence? Historical, archelogical, mathematical, physics? Yes. There is such evidence you may not know of and perhaps you were unaware of the existance of such evidence. For example, is there evidence of the presence of God on top of Mt Sinai where God gave Moses the 10 Commandments? (The REAL one in Saudi Arabia with scorched rocks at it's pinacle.)? What if we can find evidence of Egyptian chariot wheels at the bottom of the Aquaba sea (Gulf of Aquaba) where Moses parted the sea? (Hint: They didn't cross the Gulf of Suez) There are many such discoveries that demonstrate the Bible is more than a book of fictional stories and myths. And most people don't realize that nearly 1/3 of the Bible is prophecy. Over 150 chapters in the Bible relate to End Timmes Prophecy; And it suprises many people that these prophecies written thousands of years ago have already come true. Non Biblical references and the accounts of non partisian historians confirm them. It is simply historical fact that we can see the evidence of today.
And this is the purpose of this website. It is a place where you can find links to interesting scientific articles, videos and pictures that you may have never seen before. Some of the evidence may be considered circumstantial, but if enough circumstantial evidence is gathered, a logical conclusion can be achieved. And if a subject has a preponderance of such evidence, the mathematical odds of this happening has to be considered.
How to use this Site
On the Menu, click on the "Resources" button where you will find the "News" and "Links" pages.
The links on those pages will take you to different, unafilliated websites. There will be a short description and commentary with each link giving Bible verses that correspond to the link. Think of this as an excersize in enhanced Bible study.
Modern scientific observations, news articles, videos, pictures, etc. that relate to ancient biblical writings and prophecies.
I always try to answer all questions and I really appreciate your feedback. But I am not here to argue dogma..I just don't have time for such nonsense. I offer these links for informational and educational purposes only. I urge you to make your own conclusions.