About Us

My name is Dale Nance. I started this website 20 years ago to document the growing evidence of end time prophecies in the Bible that could be seen in the news and current events as well as new discoveries in the sciences that confirm the historical accuracy of the Bible. I just didn't see much news in this regard and felt an obligation to make these discoveries known to the broader public. That first website was around for a couple of years but I let it expire as other obligations took precdence. This new website is the resurection of that original website as I have just seen to many new developments in end times prophecy signs in our daily news. It was amazing in 2005, it is mind boggling in 2025.
I am not a minister or formally trained in theology. I am just a Christian man who is a bit of an obsessed researcher and science geek.
I hope my discoveries will find broader public awareness, to help those seeking truth to find it.
"Ask, Seek, and Knock, and it will be opened unto you". I found this to be true indeed.