Website Links

The following are some external resources.



Lee Strobel Website
An athiest investigative reporter, turned into a believer.

Jimmy Evans
End Times teaching.

The Institute for Creation Research
A great website with news and scientific evidence

Another great website with news, articles and links.

Dr Tour Videos
Intellectual Debate of Creationism vs Evolution and Origin of Life

University of Chicago
A very interesting historical account of the crucifixion of Jesus. Note: There is a one day discrepancy discussed here that needs clarification. The Sanhedrin used the Jewish calender but Jesus and the disciples as well as John the Baptist are believed to belong to a different sect called the "Essenes" (See Dead Sea Scrolls) which had a different calendar that had a one day discrepancy. So the last supper (Sader meal) was on the Thursday evening (After Sundown) which would be early morning of the Passover on the Essene calendar, and He was crucificed on April 3, 33AD at 3:00 PM which is also the exact time of a partial lunar eclipse that turned the moon to a blood red color. It should also be noted that Jesus died at the same hour the lambs were to be slaughtered for the Passover. This discrepancy explains how Jesus could eat the Passover meal the day before, and also be the spiritual lamb slain for the sins of the world on preperation day for Passover.

Youtube Short Video
Science or Faith?

Archelogical proof of Israel as a Nation 1400's BC
Developer quality websites for business and personal use.

Blooming Desert
Isaiah 35:1-2 Prophecy of desert blooming. A great documentary video

Fresh Water Dead Sea Prophecy
Ezekiel 47:8-12 Prophecy - Fresh Water, Fish and Plants near the Dead Sea

